In the real world, I would be considered quite talented in the fiber arts, but let's be real, these days, real talent isn't all that necessary. So in the knitting, sewing, and crocheting circles, I'm quite inept. I am, for lack of a better term, an apprenctice to those great knitting goddesses, Purlia and Castoffa. I'm trying to please them, because, well, the alternative, of spending hours on an ugly or ill-fitting project is just horrifying.
Right now, the only fun class I am taking is Fiber Arts. That class is my life, and it's where I got back into sewing. Sure, I sewed a bit as a child, but those 'samplers' on the stiff cross-stitch fabric that ended up jumbled messes hardly count. Now, I can feel semi-proud of what I'm making. We started with samplers, which I sadly don't have a picture of. I do however, have a picture of my current project for the class.
We were supposed to create a square inspired by our school. The pencil lines I drew a couple of weeks ago are starting to rub away, so I need to redraw them. What you see now is the crest of my school. Eventually, there will be a greyish cross behind it with the word 'Sisterhood' written across the bottom. The white edging is all in french knots, suggested by a fellow classmate. Bad idea, people, bad idea! No one should have that much time to kill!
So anyways, what makes me an apprentice? I've been knitting for about 5 years now, and crocheting for a little less than that. Crocheting, actually, I can do pretty well. It's the knitting that worries me. Blocking terrifies me, and don't get me started on cable and double-pointed needles! But, I am willing to try, to spread my glorious fiber wings!
Let's see, what other projects do I have going on right now? Well, I'm working on a pair of 'Frothy Gothy Wristwarmers' (link to come later), a pair of MIA striped socks, and a crochet Harry Potter Scarf. If you want to hear more about those, and other projects, stick around....
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