I've got a lovely fun new game to play. It's called "How many pieces of yellow clothing can we shove on the Knitting Apprentice?" Let's start....
1. This fabulous leg-warmer that's really supposed to be a a gauntlet. It's crocheted, and waaaaay too long to be worn comfortably in this heat. It got too hot, so it was moved to my leg. The pattern, crocheted, can be found here.
2. After spending 6 hours on that gauntlet that completely covered my arm, my other arm felt lonely, so I quickly crocheted this little arm-garter thing. It's a 29 chain, slip stitched to the first stitch to create a circle. Then I turned and single crocheted in the second stitch from the needle, and in every stitch, to the end. Joined with a slip stitch, and turn. Now it gets tricky. Chain 1, and single crochet in the second stitch from needle. Then, chain 6, skip 3 stitches, and single crochet in the 4th stitch. Do this all the way around, and join with a slip stitch. Chain 3 and turn. Double crochet in 4th stich, chain one. Then, double crochet 3 times in the ch-6 space, and chain one. Join and repeat the second row. Then repeat the row before it, only with single crochet. Bind off and weave in all ends. Sorry that's so techincal and dry. I'm getting to the point, eventually!
3. This is the Sunshine Barf Hat. My little sister didn't wear it in her play, so I decided it needed the chance to shine on stage. It gets a bit hot, but it completes my Secret-Agent Ninja Goth Who look. Just keep reading!
4. Do you see the awful highlighter color of this skirt? Don't worry, there's another skirt underneath that one. Black, of course. I need to balance out all this happiness.
5. To complete it all, there's a preppy collared yellow shirt, and yellow yarn woven in my four braids.
So now that we've established that there's an unholy amount of yellow on me, would you like to learn why? Fine, I'll tell you.
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